- CBP Lao PDR 2024 2024.12.11 오후 4:07:23Admin
The Public Governance Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre, OECD Digital Government and Data Unit and the Ministry of Technology and Communications of Lao PDR organized a Capacity Building Programme in Vientiane Laos on May 23~24.
The Programme was hosted under the title, "Advancing Digital Government and Data Maturity in Lao PDR: Transforming and delivering better public service and policies to citizens" and was designed to introduc OECD recommendations on digital government as well as selected exemplary policies of OECD member countries that have well-incorporated data and AI into their public services.
Around 45 Lao government officials from 14 different line ministries participated in the Programme while 9 experts from Korea, Australia, Estonia, and OECD Secretariat joined the Programme to share their experience.
As the Lao government is releasing its draft on "Digital Government Strategic Plan 2025" at the end of this year and the INDIGO network as well as the GaaG SEA (Government at a Glance Southeast Asia) are being actively carried out, the event received positive evaluation on its content and impact.